World Green Building Council Launches Net Zero Building Project

The World Green Building Council has announced the new Advancing Net Zero project that will deliver on their commitment to reducing emissions from the building sector by 84 gigatonnes by 2050.

The project will start out with eight participating Green Building Councils, and partner with non-profit Architecture 2030 to provide technical expertise. The Councils will each develop action plans including national net zero certification schemes and complementary net zero training for green building professionals.

The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) is among those involved and says their participation in the global project recognises Australia’s leadership and achievements that prove net zero buildings are possible, and a realistic path to emissions reduction. The GBCA have already committed to recognising net zero buildings and have since been working on adapting the Australian Government’s Carbon Neutral Standard for buildings and precincts.

Long-term goals of Advancing Net Zero include:

  • All new buildings and major renovations are net zero in 2030, and no buildings are built below net zero standards beyond 2030
  • 100% of buildings are net zero by 2050
  • 75,000 professionals are trained on net zero building by 2030, and 300,000 professionals by 2050
  • All GBCs which operate certification schemes have net zero rating tools in place by 2030.


WorldGBC media release here.

GBCA media release here.

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