Since 2011, the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC) has called for a nationally coordinated approach to cities. The Prime Minister’s announcement of a Minister for Cities and Built Environment is a welcome move that recognises the Federal Government’s role in and good urban policy and thriving cities.
“We welcome the Federal Government’s shift in policy on cities and urban communities. The Prime Minister has resoundingly articulated the value of cities and their vital contribution to Australia’s productivity and prosperity.” said Ken Maher, ASBEC President.
“The appointment of a Minister for Cities and Built Environment recognises the importance of integrating city policy planning and transport, and the significance of affordable housing.”
“ASBEC members and many built environment professionals have advocated for a Minister for Cities for some time. A long term focus on the “best outcomes in our cities” is so critical to ensuring that Australia continues to be a wonderful place to live and work.”
Read the full media release here.