UK Government to Halve New Building Energy Use by 2030

The United Kingdom Government has pledged to at least halve the energy use of new buildings by 2030. The target was announced in a speech by the Prime Minister, Theresa May, at the Jodrell Bank observatory complex. The target applies to both commercial and residential buildings and is a key part of the Government’s Industrial Strategy. The changes are expected to increase innovation and standards within the construction sector as well as increasing employment. The UK Government also stated an aim to reduce the cost of achieving the same standards in existing buildings.

The announcement has been welcomed by the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) as a ‘bold’ commitment but emphasised the need for the target to be supported by ‘clear and consistent policies’. the UKGBC also called for the Government to set a building regulation trajectory for achieving net zero carbon and an introduction of long-term incentives for the retrofitting of residential and commercial buildings.

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