Australia’s first Voluntary National Review on SDG progress

Australia’s first Voluntary National Review on Sustainable Development Goal progress was released in June and details the nation’s progress in implementing and achieving SDGs. Australia first signed up to this United Nations initiative in 2016 and has since worked to advance social justice, economic growth and tackle climate change through sustainable development.

The Review demonstrates how all sectors of Australian society, from government to community groups, are contributing to the achievement of these Goals. It shows that Australia has performed well in Goal 8, Decent Work and Economic Growth, due to the nation’s participation in free and open markets, and that positive trends are evident in Goal 6, Clean Water and Sanitation.

The Review also outlines the sustainable development challenges that Australia needs to invest greater focus. These include improving the liveability of our cities, advancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice and outcomes, and delivering better financial and institutional structures for peoples living with a disability.

The Australian SDGs website was launched alongside this report and will provide an ongoing digital platform to gather and share case studies that are shown to advance the nation’s progress on sustainable development. GBCA and WWF submitted case studies showcasing their contribution to the environment and energy Goals.

More information here

Compendium of Case Studies here

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