ASBEC Building Confidence Recommendations Policy Response

Non-compliance and under-compliance undermines the rights of building purchasers and occupants who are not receiving what they are legally entitled to receive under the Code, and provides an unfair advantage to operators who cut corners over those who meet required standards. This issue must be addressed as a matter of urgency if a zero carbon built environment is to be achieved by 2050.

ASBEC members strongly support the recommendations in the Building Confidence report (BCR), authored by Peter Shergold and Bronwyn Wier. We commend the establishment of the Australian Building Code Board (ABCB) Compliance Taskforce and BCR Implementation team to advance the BCR recommendations and welcome industry involvement in informing the work of this Taskforce and Implementation team as it relates to the sustainability and energy efficiency provisions in the National Construction Code.

We are strongly committed to supporting compliance with the sustainability and energy efficiency provisions in the National Construction Code, to ensure the provisions in the Code are delivered cost-effectively, holistically and in a harmonised way across Australia. Our efforts will be to work with State and Territory governments to ensure the work undertaken by the BCR Implementation team is fully adopted and implemented at a State and Territory level, whilst ensuring streamlined regulatory outcomes.

ASBEC’s Policy Response addresses the BCR recommendations, with a specific focus on sustainability and energy efficiency.

Download the Policy Response here.

Download ASBEC’s media release here.

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