20 years of ASBEC

Following the Green Space Workshop on 7 October 2003, the CRC for Construction Innovation [now Australia’s Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre (SBE Australia)] joined together with policy makers across Australia to formally establish a company that would independently act as a significant player in the move to a more sustainable built environment in Australia – the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC).

ASBEC was created to bring together key “green” players from across Australia – local, state and industry – in a collaborative forum focused on achieving more nationally-uniform green development guidelines. ASBEC’s original purpose was “reducing ecological impacts, improving economic returns and extending community amenity of the built environment”.

With its broad membership representing expertise across the planning, design, delivery and operation phases of our built environment, ASBEC evolved to become the peak consultative council on sustainability in the built environment, contributing to development of evidence-based policy in Australia.