Built Environment Stands Ready to Deliver on Paris Climate Ambition

The Paris Agreement paves the way for a low carbon future, and the building sector stands ready to deliver a significant part of Australia’s contribution, says the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC).

“The value of the Paris Agreement in must be delivered through tangible actions within a critical period.” said ASBEC’s President, Professor Ken Maher.

“Buildings account for over 23 per cent of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, and offer the most rapid and cost-effective solutions to reducing emissions.” said Prof Maher.

ASBEC, a collective of leading industry organisations committed to a sustainable built environment in Australia, seeks to promote more liveable, productive buildings, through leadership in energy efficiency, resilience and urban policy.

“There are a range of measures, within our reach right now, which could significantly advance Australia’s efforts in reducing emissions,” said Prof Maher.  “These include tax incentives for green buildings; a national white certificate scheme; higher energy performance standards in the Building Code; public funding of building retrofits; and enhanced Minimum Energy Performance standards.”

ASBEC is now working together with its members, including the Property Council of Australia, Australian Institute of Architects, Energy Efficiency Council, Green Building Council of Australia, Australian Institute of Refrigeration Air Conditioning and Heating, Air Conditioning and Mechanical Contractors Association, Insulation Australasia and WWF, on an emission reduction roadmap to 2050.

“With a global agreement now in place, the building sector stands ready to deliver on the ambition for a more sustainable, resilient, prosperous and equitable future.” said Prof Maher.

Download ASBEC’s media release here.

Read about the Paris Agreement here.

Download the full Paris Agreement here.


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