Joint statement: Minimum standards for lighting can save consumers $1.4 billion. It’s time to get on with the job

15 July 2024

Later this week, Australian Energy Ministers will decide whether to implement proposed Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for lighting, including light emitting diodes (LEDs).

Introducing MEPS for LEDs alongside the phase out of halogens and incandescent lamps is crucial to ensure all consumers can access good quality LEDs at affordable prices.

Australia was once a leader in regulating for better lighting energy performance. In 2009, we were one of the first countries in the world to begin phasing-out inefficient incandescent and halogen lamps.

We are now lagging well behind. In Europe, MEPS for LEDs came into force in September 2021, and regulations also exist in China, Singapore and Malaysia.

Successive Australian governments have identified the need to phase out the inefficient incandescent bulbs and halogens that remain on the market and bring in MEPS for LEDs

Analysis of the costs and benefits of the proposed regulations was completed in 2018. This analysis showed MEPS would deliver a net benefit of $1.448 billion, saving consulters $1.396 billion in reduced energy costs by 2030.

In late 2022, an exposure draft of the new regulations was released, with consultation taking place over 2023.

Six years after approving the Decision Regulatory Impact Statement, Australian Energy Ministers are now meeting to decide whether to implement these standards.

There should be no further delay in implementing these standards.

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