ZeroCode Global Standard for the Built Environment

Architecture2030 is a non-profit organisation focused on transforming climate change through worldwide design of low-carbon/carbon neutral resilient structures, communities and cities.

Committed to dramatically reducing global fossil fuel consumption and GHG emissions of the built environment by 2030 and beyond (the 2017 Global Status Report by UN Environment forecasts infrastructure growth by 2060 as measuring the equivalent area of the entire current building stock), Architecture2030 introduces the ZEROCode strategy for achieving new infrastructure demands with carbon neutral results.

The ZEROCode is an international construction energy standard for new commercial, institutional and mid to high rise residential buildings that integrates cost-effective energy efficiency standards with on-site and/or off-site renewable energy. The standard includes prescriptive and performance paths for building energy efficiency compliance based on current standards that are available to worldwide municipalities and building professionals. Compliance starts with meeting the minimum prescriptive or performance requirements for building energy efficiency defined by ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2016. Other existing or new standards can also be accommodated, such as the International Green Construction Code (IgCC), ASHRAE Standard 189.1-2017, or any building energy efficiency standard that exceeds ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2016. Once the minimum energy efficiency requirements are met, then the on-site and/or off-site renewable energy is calculated to achieve zero-net-carbon.

ZEROCode website

Architecture2030 website

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