The Victorian Government’s Smart Homes Program

The Victorian Government’s Smart Homes Program will help to expand and encourage rooftop solar installation in the state. The $1.24 billion program is predicted to see solar panels installed in over 650,000 homes over ten years.

Under the scheme, Victorians will be able to access a 50% rebate on 4kW solar panel systems and pay-back the remainder cost over a four-year interest-free loan period. A $1000 rebate on solar hot water systems will also be provided as part of the program.

This program is expected to result in the installation of an additional 2.6 gigawatts of rooftop solar, cut the state’s emissions by nearly 4 million tonnes, save households an average of $890 each year on their electricity bills, and support the accreditation of 4,500 electricians to install solar panels safely.

More information here

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