Y Combinator Launches Better Cities Research Project

Startup seed funding firm Y Combinator, has announced their $100 million research lab will fund a major project to build better cities. The investment firm is well known in Silicon Valley for launching the likes of Dropbox and AirBNB, with their success and acumen in building partnerships leading to the launch of the YC Research non-profit institution that backs innovation for the betterment of humanity.

The comprehensive project will question the role of a city, how to measure its effectiveness and how to ensure adaptability. President Sam Altman and Partner Adora Cheung have identified housing affordability as one of the main constraints for building a liveable city and unlocking the potential of residents and communities. Their aim is to explore ways to reduce housing expenses by 90 percent and rewrite city planning laws. Along with housing, the project will cover all aspects of the built environment including construction, design, energy, vehicles and transport, urban planning and policy.

Outcomes from the first phase of the research project will be publically available and will determine their next steps – all going well they hope to build a prototype city.

The project team is now seeking full time researchers as well as interest in contributing ideas.


More details in the media release.

Find out more about YC Research.

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