Briefing Paper: The Built Environment Skills Collaboration Framework

Skills gaps are seriously limiting the capacity of the built environment sector to realise opportunities to invest in sustainability and reap the subsequent rewards.  Government agencies, industry bodies, professional associations and educational institutions often start from scratch for each new attempt to address sustainability skills gaps.  Often programs, materials and information developed by separate entities are not properly shared and disseminated, leading to frustration and a lack of progress.  A framework for collaboration is essential to overcome these inefficiencies and address the skills gaps with the urgency required by the sustainability challenge.

This Briefing Paper outlines why it is essential to address the sustainability skills gap, and identifies a collaboration framework via 4 strategies: 1) forming collaborations; 2) ensuring skills availability; 3) encouraging skills demand; and 4) creating a market for sustainability.  It then sets out a pathway to establish the framework including actions, key players and a timeline.

Read Briefing Paper: The Built Environment Skills Collaboration Framework.

Which builds on the full report ASBEC Skills Collaboration Framework Report

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