Pathway to Productive and Sustainable Infrastructure Workshop Report

ASBEC recognises that the shift towards more sustainable and productive cities and regions must inherently be underpinned by more of the right infrastructure. That infrastructure must be delivered with a view to its long-term sustainability, and maximise productivity across  transport, water, electricity and telecommunications networks.

In October 2014, ASBEC held a half day workshop, hosted by Infrastructure Australia, to identify pathways to deliver the infrastructure we need to maximise national productivity and sustainability.  There were over 35 participants, representing key infrastructure and built environment peak bodies, infrastructure planning and funding authorities, institutional investors, infrastructure owner/operators, design and delivery organisations, government and academia.

The result was a shared perspective on a range of challenges and opportunities that currently inform the planning, design and delivery of infrastructure across Australia.

Australia faces a series of challenges in its current infrastructure planning process, including the politicisation of plans and decisions; funding and finance constraints, limited business case analysis, lack of foresight and resilience, a constrained tender and contract structure, and the increasing impact of community sentiment.

The approach to infrastructure planning outlined in this report responds to many of these challenges and opportunities and advocates for:

  • A 30 Year Infrastructure Plan developed by Infrastructure Australia.
  • Collaborative Stakeholder Engagement informing the design and delivery of the 30 Year Infrastructure Plan, founded in collaboration between community, industry and government.
  • Five Pathways guiding the implementation of the plan through Engagement, Planning, Decision, Funding and Execution.

Read the full report here.

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